Knee Pain Gone! Kristine Goes From Disabled To Dancing!

Kristine had been enjoying her walks on the beach and daily core strengthening exercises. And she was excited about her increased muscle tone and flexibility. So when she woke up to acute pain in both knees, causing her to take each step with care, she felt completely blind-sided.

She had already received physical healing and relief from a previous Present Life reading and clearing and called me about this new issue.

Although I stressed that my clearing work is not meant to replace medical or psychological therapies when warranted, she shared that she wanted to avoid medical tests and the typical "band aid" drugs that would "treat" what, from past experience, often remained undiagnosed.

I let her know that the root cause was a Viral Entity that can be picked up during healing sessions or any number of intimate exchanges with others.

Kristine is a healer, so was not surprised with this reading. She let me know that in the next 24 hrs of her clearing, her right knee pain quickly dissipated. She wasn't sure if her left knee would ever heal, since she felt intense pain upon movement and had not been able to bear weight there.

When she woke the next day, the pain was completely gone. She said if she'd not already been witness to the physical level healing she received from my readings and clearings, she would have questioned her sanity. She was cautious taking the stairs, but soon realized that the Viral Entity was gone because she had her body back.

That same day, Kristine was able to do resistance band training with her legs and arms, and getting up and down from a seated position was back to being no big deal. When her husband asked how she was, she did a little dance showing her joy at having her health back!

Are you experiencing issues with your health that have not found relief from various therapies? Let's talk about if you could benefit from a Past or Present Life reading and clearing in your Akashic Records.

Feel free to contact me @ 860-879-5304 or

Blessings, Kariann