Clearing During Quarantine

home clearing
May 2020 

Hello everyone, I hope you and your families are well as you continue to be safe! We are in a place of self reflection, now more than ever. It could be a time of counting your blessings or of identifying all the challenges that are real. These clouds can be affecting you in one or multiple life areas, wreaking havoc in your physical, emotional and/ or mental spaces.

Many of you are using this time to clean house or make order of the spaces you inhabit, whether it's your home or your newfound work from home corner.

It's the ideal time, too, to clear your own house of Negative patterns that continue to arise and may have become more pronounced in this time of world wide pandemic.

Some of you have asked, "What's my next step in clearing those clouds?"

• If you have not had your Akashic Record, Past Life reading and clearing, this will give you a deep understanding of who you are as a Divine being, your Soul Gifts and how to bring them into your daily life, so you can reap Abundance. I will also identify and clear any negative Karmic patterns from past lives. You will learn about choices you made in each lifetime and with whom, that brought on the clouds that still exist. I clear them for you so you can step into your new awareness and Soul gifts. 

• If you have had your Akashic Record reading and clearing, but you are now experiencing newfound issues that just won't go away, you could be ready for a next level Present Life reading and clearing. 

• If you've identified what you want in life, but find that you're stuck no matter how much you've tried to get there, then Strategic Abundance sessions will help you. I help you understand what new actions are aligned to your desired outcomes, as well as other tools you'll receive in learning how to step into your own authority as the powerful creator of your experiences. 

Discovery chats are free of charge, so let's set up some time to talk about what's on your mind and for me to answer your questions.

Blessings, Kariann